Acupunctuur TCM kliniek
Traditional Chinese medicine
2500 years ago, acupuncture was already widespread in Ancient China. It was already so developed that it was already on the point of the knowledge we still have today. Acupuncture is part of the TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), it is probably the best known form of TCM. In addition to piercing with needles using acupuncture, it also contains moxa , cupping , massage techniques, nutritional advice, forms of movement (such as Tai Chi and Qigong), herbal theory ...
In the meantime, acupuncture was recognized by the WHO (World Health Organization) as a medicine equivalent to Western medicine (the medicine we know).
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Are you not sure which treatment suits you best or do you want to undergo several treatments at the same time? That is possible, we also offer a general consultation within traditional Chinese medicine. We can also easily use and apply other aspects of this medicine during treatment.
Types of treatments:
Nutritional advice
Ear acupuncture
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Or call us to make an appointment:
0488/41 99 94